Friday Jun 07, 2013
Wealth Creation- POWER FOR YOU NOW! by Jeremy Lopez
Friday Jun 07, 2013
Friday Jun 07, 2013
Do you want to know how to be prosperous? In this teaching, I will show you how to think, believe and become wealth. www.drjeremylopez.com www.identitynetwork.net www.awakeningtoyournow.com
Wednesday Jun 05, 2013
Getting Out Of The Rut by Jeremy Lopez
Wednesday Jun 05, 2013
Wednesday Jun 05, 2013
Our minds love to create patterns
or routines for us which creates comfort.
We love to be comfortable but ruts also create laziness because with
routines or ruts we don't have to think.
But when we're lazy or comfortable we aren't creative. We are made to be creative so we must break
out of the ruts we're in and be who God has created and called us to be.
Friday May 31, 2013
The Power To Be Me by Jeremy Lopez
Friday May 31, 2013
Friday May 31, 2013
So many things and people are active in our lives to the
point that they begin to limit us and cover up who we really are. It's time to step out of the box of what
people have programmed us to be. It's
time to cast off the limits others have imposed on us and be the authentic
people God has created us to be.
Friday May 31, 2013
The Power of Faith by Jeremy Lopez
Friday May 31, 2013
Friday May 31, 2013
Faith is mysterious. You can't see it, feel it, taste it or smell it. But it's real. Everyone has a measure of faith and that faith has the power to move mountains.
Friday May 31, 2013
Moving Out of the Box and Loving People Where They Are by Jeremy Lopez
Friday May 31, 2013
Friday May 31, 2013
It's time to step out of the box of Christianity and be the expression of Christ to everyone. This may mean going places you've never gone or doing things you've never done. Look at yourself and see if others can see the expression of Christ in you.
Friday May 31, 2013
God's Divine Protection by Jeremy Lopez
Friday May 31, 2013
Friday May 31, 2013
There are many areas in life where we need divine protection. Ephesians chapter 6 talks about putting on the armor of God. Basically this chapter is talking about putting on the fullness of Christ; putting on the Divine Nature. And walking in the Divine Nature of Christ Jesus.
Wednesday Jun 13, 2012
How to Find Your Identity by Jeremy Lopez
Wednesday Jun 13, 2012
Wednesday Jun 13, 2012
Where do you fit in?
What are you supposed to be doing with your life? In this podcast find out how to discover who
you are in Christ.
Friday May 25, 2012
Walking in Your Destiny by Jeremy Lopez
Friday May 25, 2012
Friday May 25, 2012
We're called to establish the
Kingdom of God on Earth. We do this by
becoming successful in things of the Lord.
This means whatever your destiny is, God wants you to achieve and walk
in it. He came to give you Zoe, a God
kind of life which means nothing in life is impossible for you to accomplish
because you have the mind of Christ.
Wednesday Mar 28, 2012
God, What Do You Want Me To Do? by Jeremy Lopez
Wednesday Mar 28, 2012
Wednesday Mar 28, 2012
we have to be able to hear from God. We
have to understand His ways, His thoughts and His ideas for us. We have to be tuned in and say, "God,
what do You desire for me? What do you
want for me today?" In order to do
that, we have to be able to know and hear the voice of the Good Shepherd. By doing this we will know the Truth and how
to live and what to do in the NOW.
Thursday Mar 22, 2012
Enough is Enough by Jeremy Lopez
Thursday Mar 22, 2012
Thursday Mar 22, 2012
It's time for Christians to stand up for those that don't have a voice. It's time for us to stand up for those that are being bullied. It's time for us to stand up against those that are hurting others. The gospel of Jesus Christ is about Agape. It's about loving God and loving people unconditionally and unlimited.